Tempus JEP CD 19087




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TEMPUS JEP CD 19087 - 2004:


           University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business – Slovenia, Consortium Member 3 (CM3) is very modern University. The Faculty of Economics and Business have an important role in preparation of Slovenia for joining EU. There are 119 people employed at FEB (1998), 74 of them are teachers (32 of which are professors, 13 assistant professors and 17 assistants), 5 researchers, and 40 are non-academic staff. FEB offers two undergraduate programmes. Each year 330 full-time students enter either the University Education Programme or Professional Higher Education Programme. Between 2.400 and 2.500 full-time students per year are enrolled in the undergraduate studies. 13.120 students were granted a 2-year higher education degree and 5.640 students were granted a 4-year higher education degree until August 1998. 300 students successfully completed Master studies, 75 students completed Master of Business Administration Programme, together with 70 students who completed Professional Postgraduate Programmes. 64 postgraduates were granted a PhD title. The Faculty of Economics and Business is an open educational institution. The years of its development have brought a rich and fruitful international co-operation. CM3 expertise in this project is mostly in the areas: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7. (www.uni-mb.si)

           Cracow University of Economics, Faculty of Economics – Poland, Consortium Member 4 (CM4) is a partner that the University of Kragujevac has had cooperation with for decades. This University is a major source of managers in the southern macro region. It has very modern equipment with computer networks and dynamically growing cooperation scheme with many Universities. Their experience in redesigning of Curricula designing for new business needs is of great importance for this project, as well as students’ mobility programs. The University expertise in this project is mostly in the areas 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. (www.ae.Cracow.pl)

           The University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow – Poland, Consortium Member 7 (CM7) was founded on March 8, 1996 on the initiative of the Association of Entrepreneurship Promotion (AEP). Among private universities in Poland, The University of Information Technology and Management is the leader in the number of students attending both weekday and weekend programs. The current number nears 9 thousand. The university offers undergraduate studies in Economics, Tourism and Recreation, Information Technology and Econometrics, Public Administration, Journalism and Public Relations and graduate programs in Economics and Information Technologies. In 2004 it will start engineer courses in Information Technology. This University consists of two faculties: Faculty of Economics and Faculty for Administration and Information Technology. This university will have very important role in this project, as the University has great reputation in the fields of facilities modernization, long-distance learning and information system support in all students’ services. (www.wsiz.rzeszow.pl)






Faculty of Economics, Djure Pucara Starog 3, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia

tel. +38134303502, fax. +38134303516


             University of Udine, Department of Economic Science - University of Udine, Department of Economic Science (DES), Italy, Grant Applicant, is a partner from EU with broad experience in Economics. Department of Economic Science has achieved respectable results in new methodologies and techniques in teaching process dominantly supported by information and communication technologies. The University has co-operation agreements in Socrates, Leonardo, Alfa programmes, EU/USA, under the framework of mobility and project co-operation and has more than 200 partner institutions in 32 countries. More than 300 students from the University of Udine are studying or doing one-year practical training abroad every year, while at the same time over 250 international mobility students study in different programmes at the University of Udine. At present, the University of Udine is the contractor for four Tempus/Cards JEPs (CD 41146 – 2006, UM 17060-02, CD 17027-02 and CD 18107-03). CM1 has specific expertise in this project in area of outcomes achievement: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9 and especially for Curricula restructuring. (www.uniud.it)





University of Maribor,

Faculty of Economics and business,


Cracow University of Economics,


University of Information Technology and Management,

Rzeszow, Poland

Department of Economic Sciences,

University of Udine,
