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Place: Rectorate of the University of Belgrade

Date: 07.10.2005







09.30 – 10.00 Registration

Morning Session. Chairperson: Prof. Dejan Popovic, Rector, University of Belgrade


10.00 Welcome addresses Mr. Slobodan Vuksanovic, Minister, Ministry of Education and Sport, Republic of Serbia, Ambassador Josep M. Lloveras, Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to Serbia and Montenegro, Prof. Miloš Djuran, President of the Association of Serbian Universities


10.20 The new Serbian Law on Higher Education.


Tempus programme - important instrument for the implementation of the new law, Prof. Emilija Stankovic, Deputy Minister for Higher Education


10.40 New developments in Tempus Program, Mr. Klaus Koerner, European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture


11.00 Tempus in SCG and Bologna Process, Prof. Stefan Dukiandjiev, SCG Tempus Office


11.10 Role and place of students in Tempus Programme and Bologna Process

- representative of students


11.20 Analysis of Tempus development in Serbia 2001-2005; Overview of the newly approved projects

- Sofija Dukic, SCG Tempus Office


11.30 Coffee break


Afternoon Session. Chairperson: Prof. Radmila Marinkovic-Neducin, Rector, University of Novi Sad


12.10 – 13.30. Presentation of some new Tempus projects, contributing to the reform of the Serbian Higher Education and implementation of Bologna Process,


· University Strategy for Implementation of Bologna Process, Prof. Gradimir Milovanovic, Rector of the University of Nis,SCM C029A05


· ECTS implementation in Serbian University, Prof. Miroslav Plancak, SCM C009B04, University of Novi Sad Prof. Ivan Milentijevic, SCM C015A05, University of Nis


· Tempus and reorganization of study programmes, Prof. Zora Arsovski, University of Kragujevac, CD JEP 19087: Reorganization of Economics Studies in Serbia


· New model for Master Programmes in Serbian University - Prof. Dragica Vujadinovic, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade CD JEP 19014: Post-Graduate Studies for European Integration


· Joint diplomas study programmes – Important trend in University cooperation in Europe, Prof. Aleksandra Provoševic, University of Belgrade, CD JEP 19040: Bilingual Master in Macroeconomics in Serbia


· Developing Regional Cooperation, Prof. Dejan Jankovic, University of Novi Sad IB JEP 19027 Balkan Agri-Sector Initiative for Capacity Building


13.30 Lunch


15.00 Project preparation workshop


What make a good Tempus proposal? Klaus Koerner, EC DG EAC, Brussels

Logical Framework Approach, Stefan Dukiandjiev, SCG TO


15.40 Discussions and conclusions










Faculty of Economics, Djure Pucara Starog 3, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia

tel. +38134303502, fax. +38134303516

TEMPUS JEP CD 19087-2004: