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TEMPUS JEP CD 19087 - 2004:

MEMBERS - GRANTHOLDER - Alessio Lokar - Recent Publications

             Recent publications:



LOKAR A., MASON M.C., Managerial and Economic Knowledge and the Scientific Method, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Global Business & Economic development, May 25-28, 2005, Hangyang University Seoul, S. Korea, pp. 839, 847.



LOKAR A., Culture and Business, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Global Business & Economic Development: Managing Business in a Volatile Environment: Balancing Local and Global Challenges, Guadalajara, Mexico, January 7-10, 2004, pp.: 1232, 1241.

Lokar A., Mason M.C., Quali prospettive per il Friuli Venezia Giulia nell'Europa allargata?, Convegno SIEDS, XLI Riunione Scientifica, Torino 20-22 maggio 2004

Lokar A., Mason M.C., Evolutive Trends of Industrial Clusters in the New Competitive Scenary: Comparison of Some Experiences, Convegno AIDEA, Catania, 7-8 ottobre 2004.



LOKAR A., VASILESCU D., Europa comunitaria e globalizzazione, Proceedings of the Conference Unificarea Europeana: Filosofie, Politica, Mentalitate, Jean Monnet Project W02-0272, ISPRI, Chisinau – 2003, pp.: 48, 56.

LOKAR A., BANOVIC M., Cultural differences and competitive advantage in international companies in Central-East Europe, Transition Studies Review, 33, X 1/2003, Egea, pp.: 63, 71.

LOKAR A., BANOVIC M., Differenze culturali e vantaggio competitivo nelle aziende internazionali del Centro-Est Europa, Sinergie, xxi, N. 60, Gennaio-Aprile 2003, pp. 209, 221.

BANOVIC M., LOKAR A., HR Diversity as a Source of competitive Advantage in Transitional Economies, Strategies for Sustainable Globalization: Business responses to Regional Demands & Global Opportunities, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Global Business & Economic Development, Editors: Himangshu Paul, Professor & Dean, School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand, C. Jayachandran, Professor & Director, The Center for International Business, School of Business, Montclair State University, NJ 07043, Plaza Athenee, Bangkok, January 8-11, 2003, pp.: 697, 709.

LOKAR A., AHMED O.B., COMELLI F., BAJZIKOVA L., Temporary training on work and SB Incubating between CEE countries and the West, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Enterprise in Transition, 2003, Split – Tucepi, pp. 192, 197.

BANOVIC M., LOKAR A., HR Diversity as a Source of competitive Advantage in Transitional Economies, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Enterprise in Transition, 2003, Split – Tucepi, pp. 198, 202.

BANOVIC M., LOKAR A., Cultural Diversity Management as a Source of competitive Advantage in Central-East European Region, Proceedings of the IV International Workshop Human Resources Management in the New Economy 18-20 may, 2003 Cadiz (Spain).



LOKAR A., AHMED O. B., COMELLI F.M., BAJZIKOVA L., Temporary Training on Work and Small Business Incubating between Central-Eastern European Countries and the West, Politici ale Bancii Mondiale in Republica Moldova – The world Bank Policies in the Republic of Moldova, ISPRI, Chisinau, Moldova, 2002, pp. 74, 83.



LOKAR A., Applying the Marketing Paradigm to Nations, Proceedings 17th Congress of CROMAR, 2001, pp.: 219, 222.

LOKAR A., BAJZIKOVA L., Restructuring Transitional Economies (Managerial Aspects), Proceedings of the Conference: States and Markets: The 6th International Conference on Global Business & Economic Development. Forging Partnerships for Sustainable Development; Edited by: University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), Beijing; University of Memphis (CIBER), Institute for Research into International Competitiveness; Curtin University of Technology, Australia; Manchester Business School, Manchester, UK; EADA (Escuela de Alta Direccion y Administracion) Barcelona, Spain; School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok; Department of Business Studies, Hong Kong, Polytechnic University; Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah Malaysia; Research Center on Transition Economics (ROSES), University of Paris 1-Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris; Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India; School of marketing &International Business, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand; Business and International Education Program (BIE) of the Department of Education, Washington DC; The International Business Press; The Haworth Press, Inc. pp.: 1, 7, 2001.

LOKAR  A. , Transition Performance and its Causes, Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Enterprise in Transition, The Faculty of Economics, Split, 2001, pp.: 450, 453.

LOKAR A., Corporate Strategies Between Transition And Globalization, Proceedings of the 20th Scientific Conference on Development of Organizational Sciences, Management and Globalization, Published by 'Modern Organization', Kranj, Slovenia. March 26-28, pp.: 80, 85.



LOKAR A., BAJZIKOVA L., Global Enterprise Competitivity, Transitional Environment And Human Resource Management, Proceedings of the Convention Global Entrepreneurship for the New Millenium, Hosted by: School of Management Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA, August 20-23.




LOKAR A., BAJZIKOVA L., Internationalisation of Companies to East-Central Europe, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on "Enterprise in Transition", Editors: University of Split the Faculty of Economics, The World Bank Group and DAAM International Wien, pp.: 47, 52.

Alessio Lokar, Strategie globali e paesi in transizione nel Centro-Est Europa, L'Industria, XX, n.4, October-December, pp.: 843, 858.



LOKAR A. About the Transitional Moment in East-Central Europe, Fakulta Managementu Univerzity Komenskeho Bratislava, Zbornik z Medzinarodnej Konferencie, Sucasne Trendy v Manazmente, Bratislava 1.-2. oktobra, 13-17. 11.

LOKAR A.L., OSMAN AHMED B., Companies and Innovation Strategies. A Case from the Friuli Region, Ekonomska Istrazivanja - Economic Research, Fakultet Ekonomije i Turizma "Dr. Mijo Mirkovic PULA, Preradoviceva 1/1, Vol. 11, No. 1-2, 133-140.



LOKAR A. Global Strategies and Transition, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Operational Research, SOR '97 in Slovenia, Preddvor, October 1-3, 147-152.

LOKAR A. L., Multinational Strategies And Transition, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Enterprise in Transition, Daaam International Vienna Austria & University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Split, Croatia, Split-Brela, May 22-24, 1997, ISBN 953-6024-14-4, pp. 451, 456.

LOKAR, Transition from Socialism to Market Economy in Slovenia Strategic Problems of Enterprises of different Kind, 1st International Conference on Enter-prise in Transition. Part two, Split, 1997. Faculty of Economics, Split, Radovanova, 13; 21 000 Split, Croatia, pp.: 35, 43.



LOKAR A.L., LAZZARO M., The Manzano SME Chair Producing District in Friuli, Zbornik z Medzinarodnej Konferencie Usporiadnej pri Prilezitosti 5. Vyrocia Zalozenia Fakulty Managementu Univerzity Komenskeho, Bratislava 18. - 19. Aprila, Univerzita Komenskeho Bratislava, pp. 61, 67

M. MENZO, A.L. LOKAR, Primeri trzenja kmetijskih proizvodov iz Italije na trzenje Evropske unije: prsut S. Daniele, sir Montasio in tridentinska jabolka, Zbornik XI. Tradicionalnega posveta kmetijske svetovalne sluzbe: Organizacija trga in trzenje kmetijskih pridelkov, Bled, 25. in 26. Novembra, Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano, Uprava Republike Slovenije za pospesevanje kmetijstva, ISBN 961-90230-2-1. Str. 29, 37.

LOKAR, The Quality Function in the Modern Company, Proceedings of STIQE (Systems Thinking, Innovation, Quality and Entrepreneurship) '96, December 8-12, Maribor, Slovenia, pp.: 137, 143

LOKAR, MANUALE DI TECNOLOGIA DEI CICLI PRODUTTIVI - Qualità e innovazione nei sistemi operativi, CEDAM, pp.: 1, 469.

LOKAR, New Strategies of Multinational Enterprises considering Transitional Countries, Proceedings of the International Conference for the 50th Anniversary of the University of Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana.



LOKAR A. The Transition from Socialism to a Market Economy in Slovenia: Strategic Problems of Different Enterprises, Slovene Studies 16/2, 59-82.



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