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TEMPUS JEP CD 19087 - 2004: MEMBERS - GRANTHOLDER - Alessio Lokar - International projects |
International projects:
1996: on proposal of the Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia he was appointed contractor of the Phare SERVICES CONTRACT SL 9504/0103 Contract Number: 95-1535,00 for a preliminary examination of the problems regarding the industrial policy of Slovenia. 1998: he was appointed by the Foreign Ministry of Italy Contractor for the bilateral project "Ricerca per la creazione di reti di piccole imprese in aree passive della Slovenia dedicate alla lavorazione del legno per i produttori di mobili sloveni ed italiani" financed jointly by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Italy and the Ministry of Economic Activities of Slovenia. 2000: World Bank research program " Successful private sector development in Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union: from workers' exchanges to supply agreements and FDI between Slovenia and Moldova". Moreover prof. Lokar was involved until now in the following PHARE projects: JEP (Joint European Program) 3076-92 "Educational Center for the Management of SMEs" with the universities of Maribor, Gent and Boras; · JEP 08112-94 "Accountancy Teaching in Central-East Europe" with the universities Comenius, Gronningen and Boras; · JEP 9635-95 "Finance and Accountancy Course Restructuring" with the Economic University (Wirtschaftsuniversität) of Vienna and the university of Bayreuth; · JEP 10201/96 "Agrarian University Restructuring in Moldova" with the UASM university of Moldova and the agrarian faculty FUSAGX of Gembloux (in this project prof. Lokar was coordinator); · JEP 1249-97 "European Studies in Company Administration" with the universities Comenius, Manchester, and Louvain; JEP 12172/97 "European Integration-European Studies" with the universities Co-menius, Paris 2, and Vienna (Economic Faculty); · JEP 12320/97 "Development of Entrepreneurship Teaching in Slovenia" with the university VSSK, Portoroz, Barcelona, Esbjerg and Vienna. CROSSBORDER PHARE PROJECT Slovenia/ Italy 1999 SL-9911.02.02, with the Visoka strokovna sola za podjetnistvo, Portoroz: INFORMATION CENTRE FOR CASE STUDIES, Information network of cross-border business schools and supporting institutions for SMEsJEP 17027 “Upgrading Undergraduate business Studies in FRY”, 2002, Grantholder. UM_Jep 17060-2002 FI MACROU, with the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Tempus CD_JEP-19087-2004 “RESS-Reorganization of Economic Studies in Serbia” Research project: Internacionalizacija Slovenskih Zadružnih bank: analiza okolja, okoliščin in pogojev (Internationalization of Cooperative Karst Banks: Analysis of Environment, Circumstances and Conditions). Research project CONNECT, regional law 84/2001 of the Region FVG, art. 7: “Reti transazionali e iniziative di cooperazione per lo sviluppo delle piccole e medie imprese costiere nella regione adriatico-balcanica“, “Studio di mercato per il settore ittico” (Transactional Networks and Cooperative Initiatives for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Coastal Regions of the Adriatic and the Balkans).
__________________________________ Faculty of Economics, Djure Pucara Starog 3, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia tel. +38134303502, fax. +38134303516